jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

LIFE || Illustration of Cassini Diving Through 'Ocean World' Enceladus Plume | NASA

Illustration of Cassini Diving Through 'Ocean World' Enceladus Plume | NASA

Illustration of Cassini 

Spacecraft Diving Through 

Plume of 

'Ocean World' Enceladus

This illustration shows Cassini diving through the Enceladus plume in 2015.
This illustration shows NASA's Cassini spacecraft diving through the plume of Saturn's moon Enceladus, in 2015.
Two veteran NASA missions are providing new details about icy, ocean-bearing moons of Jupiter and Saturn, further heightening the scientific interest of these and other "ocean worlds" in our solar system and beyond. The findings are presented in papers published Thursday, April 13, 2017, by researchers with NASA’s Cassini mission to Saturn and Hubble Space Telescope.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Last Updated: April 13, 2017
Editor: Sarah Loff

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